We help businesses by helping people first.
Our Story
It started with a brown Plymouth Reliant Wagon. It had room for heavy machines plus I was able to sit 2 people in the back. It was affordable and reliable hence the name Reliant. I would zoom all over town making deliveries and picking up machines to bring back to the office for repair. As times changed so did my vehicle and staff increased as well. What made us different wasn't the equipment or the quick service but I believed that integrity and solid ethics would be the way to a successful business. We at Reliant are always looking for new ways to make other businesses efficient. From copier repairs to upgrades we got you covered.We understand the process and we want to help you get there one step at a time.
How we do it
We review your current print environment and procedures then provide recommendations for better device management.
Consolidate or upgrade when needed and place print policies and procedures in order that creates optimization.